Hot off the digital presses we finally get a confirmation about a Desmond sighting!! Our good friend Ryan once again found his way to the LOST set today and was able to provide us with a new report. Ryan was able to confirm that Henry Ian Cusick was indeed on set and he was able to watch a couple of scenes.
It seems like Des has found his way to a Philippines beach market and is looking for someone!? Nope not Penny, but Ryan posts that it seems like someone named: Althea or Theone with a last name of Salonga.
What do you think this could all mean!? Is this a Des Centric episode!? Is he mind flashing again!?
Here are some of the key points from the report along with some new set pics:

He was looking for someone, but losing hope.
Try as I might, I couldn’t make out the first name. Althea? Theone? Was it a man, a woman, a child? From context, I’d guess it was a male name. But the last name was clear as day: Salonga.
Between takes, hair and makeup sprayed down Cusick’s shirt, face and chest with water, but not all the sweat was fake. He passed the time with a jumprope, jumping briskly while the director gave him advice on how to handle the scene.
Read Full Report Here: Hawaii Blog

View More Pics Here: Ryan's Flickr
Posted By: The ODI
I hope this is an indication - lots - o - Des for Season 5, despite the 'happily ever after" of Season 4.
Sweet. I also firgured that they'd be done with Des for a while after their moment of happy endings on the boat. Unless...Ben's threat to Widmore comes to fruition. :-o
Gosh, I hope that Ben doesn't force Sayid into killing Penny too. Sayid's got to find a place to draw the line somewhere.
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