Episode 5.04 - Casting Call
Here we have a new character for Episode 5.04.
30s-40s, any ethnicity. Chief of staff at a hospital. She's attractive with a great bed-side manner but tough and carries her authority well. Not afraid to make difficult decisions...ONE DAY GUEST STAR
Source: DarkUFO
More info on Caesar
Update: 19th Sept Here is a video that features a segment on Saïd Taghmaoui. The Lost segment is 5:30 into the video and it's all in French :)
You can see the video here.
Thanks to Lullabyboy for the following.
I`m a French journalist from the website "AlloCine" (the number one site about cinema and tv series in France) and this afternoon, I interviewed the French actor Saïd Taghmaoui who will play Caesar in "Lost".
I have a little information : he goes to Hawaii around the 15th of October. He will appear in about 5 or 6 episodes of the season five and he will be part of the regular cast in season 6. He hasn`t read any scripts yet so there`s not much he can say about his role. Just that he is one of the key which leads to the big series finale ! He won`t play in French but in English.
(A video of the interview will be available soon on our website)
Source: AlloCine
Latest from TV Guide
Lost scoop? Anyone? — Jenny
Matt: Fans of Ghost Whisperer's online off-shoot, The Other Side, will be happy to know that Matthew Alan has booked a two-episode guest-star appearance on the ABC drama. And being Lost... that is all I know about the role.
Source: TV Guide
Filming Update
Thanks to DarkUFO reader John from Go Hawaii for the following.
Just took a Kos Hummer movie tour today. Lost is filming all week in the Ka'a'awa Valley. (Hurley's golf course, plus many other scenes filmed there.)
There is a large "army camp" set, a huge new tower which looks like an oil rig only in wood - maybe a well. I saw Locke and Sawyer for sure. Others spotted Juliet and reports were Hurley was on the set which makes no sense!
Source: Go Hawaii
Lost Filming Updates and Photos
Thanks to DarkUFO reader AlaskaDave, one of the Mods over at Lostpedia for sending us this great report and photos from the recent filming that was done as part of the "Simon's Butcher Chop" scene as we reported here. He also has sent some other set/location photos from his personal visit that you can see below. Also thanks to i_sell_seals at Lostpedia
Just letting you know as of 12noon on Monday, they've finished filming at Simon's Butcher Shop. I have pics of the LOST crew guys tearing it all down, including the signage. Last Friday, the set was all done up with meat and sausages hanging in the windows, and now its all gone! Talk about quick filming :)
The night ones are pre-filming (you can see the cash register, basket, and some fake meat hanging in the windows) and the day ones are post filming. I couldn't tell you if it was Bender or Williams, but something reeked of Bender on set :)
I also added a REALLY cool shot of the LOST crew guy taking down Simon's Butcher Shop.. you can even see the crew shirt he's wearing.
I just got word that they're filming in Ka'a'awa valley tomorrow. I caught site of an amazingly large outrigger canoe presumably for the Desmond/Philippines scenes
Simon's Butcher Shop and Meat Market (Pre-Filming, Friday Night):

Simon's Butcher Shop and Meat Market (Post Filming, Monday Afternoon):

Simon's Butcher Shop and Meat Market (Set Tear Down, Monday Afternoon. Note the new S5 Blue Crew shirts):

Beach Camp Now (Papialoa Beach):

Anthony Cooper Tied to the Pillar:

AlaskaDave and Seals in the purge:

Christian Shephard Tree:

Cool Shot of the Pala Ferry Dock from the park:

AD as Eko in The Cost Of Living:

The Dharma Vans/Mike's Cop Car/Golden Pontiac/NY Taxis/Hurleys Car:

AD and Seals as Des and Penny (lol):

Where's The Elizabeth?!:

Achara's Den (The Opium Room in downtown Honolulu):

Source: AlaskaDave@Lostpedia
Filming Update - Simon's Butcher Shop to Appear
Hey All,
Here is an interesting tidbit. apparently the Hoffs/Drawler Funeral home is going to be used again in Season 5, but it is setup for Simon's Butcher Shop!!
Simon's Butcher shop you ask? Well if you remember back to Charlie's dream sequence in Fire + Water he sees his father Simon as a butcher in their home.
So is it possible that this is Charlie's father's shop?? Are we going to get more of Charlie's story?? Is it a Hurley and Ghost Charlie related scene...or a random shop!?
What do you all think??
Thanks to Lyly for the heads up.From Hawaii comes word that Hoffs/Drawler has been redressed as "Simon's Butcher Shop." Yes, that is Simon as in Simon Pace. Could this mean we'll be seeing Charlie era flashbacks early on in season 5? Time will tell.
Source: DocArzt
Posted By: The ODI
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