
Room 23

A gathering place for those who love the ABC TV show Lost. This blog was started by a group of Fans who kept the Season 3 finale talkback at Ain't It going all the way until the première of the 4th season as a way to share images, news, spoilers, artwork, fan fiction and much more. Please come back often and become part of our community.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Dharma Game Poll Results

I wanted to make room for new polls, so heres the results of the Dharma game polls.

What was your placement title for Test 1?

Pandora 4 (50%)

Ganymede 4 (50%)

Votes so far: 8

What was your placement title for Test 2?

Steropes 2 (28%)

Brontes 1 (14%)

Polyphemus 4 (57%)

Votes so far: 7

What was your placement title for test 3?

Otus 2 (33%)

Antaeus 0 (0%)

Enceladus 0 (0%)

Tityos 4 (66%)

Votes so far: 6

What was your placement title in Test 4?

Helios 2 (33%)

Crius 0 (0%)

Atlas 1 (16%)

Oceanus 2 (33%)

Cronus 1 (16%)

Votes so far: 6

What was your placement title in Test 5?

Aether 0 (0%)

Chaos 1 (16%)

Chronos 1 (16%)

Oranos 1 (16%)

Hemera 0 (0%)

Nyx 3 (50%)

Votes so far: 6

What was your placement title in Test 6?

Demeter 2 (33%)

Apollo 0 (0%)

Ares 4 (66%)

Hestia 0 (0%)

Poseidon 0 (0%)

Athena 0 (0%)

Votes so far: 6

What was your placement title for Test 7?

White Swan (I didn't Cheat) 5 (50%)

White Swan (I did cheat) 0 (0%)

Black Swan (I did't cheat) 1 (10%)

Black Swan (I did cheat) 4 (40%)

Votes so far: 10

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