
Room 23

A gathering place for those who love the ABC TV show Lost. This blog was started by a group of Fans who kept the Season 3 finale talkback at Ain't It going all the way until the première of the 4th season as a way to share images, news, spoilers, artwork, fan fiction and much more. Please come back often and become part of our community.

Friday, September 12, 2008

So, where do you get your ideas?

Hey, remember that Dilbert cartoon show from 1999? I've been watching those on HULU and I print-screened this familiar looking image from the tail end of the opening credits. You think that's where JJ Abrams got the idea for his Twilight Zonish "Lost" floating logo?
I always liked the Alias locale blurbs with the one negative letter and the camera zooming through to the new scene.
I understand JJ is doing all the layout word for the location labels on Fringe, too - he looks at the footage and decides where the lettering goes, at what angle and so on, then turns it over to the computer team to do the 3-D realization.

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